All productions for 2025's OUTright Theatre Festival will take place at Reed College's Performing Arts Building Black Box Theatre
Music and Lyrics: Stephen Sondheim
Book: John Weidman
ASSASSINS is based on an idea by Charles Gilbert, Jr.
Orchestrations: Michael Starobin
Directors: Rusty Tennant and Sara King
Set/Props Designer: Rusty Tennant
Costume Designer: Mary Hobson
Lighting Designer: Luc Allison
Sound/Video Designer: Ry Malloy
Alec Lugo
Alix Sanchez
Braeden Ayres
Cassandra Pangelinan
Daniel Rhovan
Dave Cole
Grant Miller
Heath Hyun Houghton
Jacquelle Davis
Jeremy Southard
Jessica Tidd
Kate Mura
Margo Schembre
Nathan Dunkin
Ruby Welch
Sean Lamb
Skylar Bastedo

Content Warning:
Drug Use
Suicidal Ideation
Assault of adults and minors
One very specific use of the N-word by John Wilkes Booth in The Ballad of Booth.
Mature audiences only
"Everybody's Got the Right to their Dreams"
The Feature Presentation of 2025's OUTwright Theatre Festival
2025's OUTwright Theatre Festival feature production, Assassins, needs no introduction. This brilliant and controversial work is a staple of the American canon. Fuse is seeking to bring it to life at a crucial time in American history where looking back on such a landmark work brings new perspectives to the forefront.
In this darkly humorous musical revue, Stephen Sondheim (music and lyrics) and John Weidman (book) depict nine misfit men and women who set out to assassinate American Presidents. Though only some were successful, all left their mark on American history. While every nation has its assassins and would-be assassins, only in America, the authors suggest, do disturbed and disturbing individuals act not because they hope to influence national politics, but because they are wrapped up in a malignant sense of entitlement. Feeling betrayed by the failed promise of American democracy and the American Dream, they strike out at the symbol for America: the American President. Assassins spans several musical styles and many decades in a dizzying series of musical and theatrical inventions that culminate in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.